Move to Tacoma Blog
How to Relocate to Tacoma From Far Away
Relocating to Tacoma and buying a house from a distance can feel like a huge undertaking. In this video, MovetoTacoma.com creator Marguerite interviews her friend, colleague, and Relocating Buyer Specialist Consuella. Consuella is an expert in helping clients search for and buy...
Who to Follow on Twitter When You’re New to Tacoma
Let’s face it, when you’re new to a city getting your finger on the pulse of what’s happening can be tricky. There’s local jargon, inside jokes, community conversation! How do you find it? Tacoma Twitter is a great way to do that, whether you’re still dreaming of movi...
How To Sell Your House in Seattle (So You Can Move to Tacoma!)
Are you wondering how to sell your house in Seattle and move to Tacoma? You’re not alone. The median home prices in Seattle are nearly double what they are in Tacoma. Seattleites selling their homes in Seattle often have enough equity to buy a home in Tacoma that is large...
3 Must-Visit Coffee Roasteries in Tacoma
Whether you’re a coffee snob or you just appreciate a solid cup of joe, Tacoma’s coffee game is on point and ready to satisfy all of your caffeinated cravings. Here are 3 must-visit roasters in the City of Destiny: View this post on Instagram A post shared b...
Creative Ways To Buy a Home in Tacoma When You Think You’re Priced Out
On February 17, 2020, The Seattle Times published an article titled “As Seattleites and their money flow south, Tacoma residents grapple with changing neighborhoods.” MovetoTacoma.com creator Marguerite was quoted a couple of times in the article and so we got lots of feed...
Tacoma Realtor Marguerite Martin Quoted in The Seattle Times
Tacoma realtor and MovetoTacoma.com creator Marguerite Martin was interviewed for a story this week written by Katherine Anne Long called, “As Seattleites and their money flow south, Tacoma residents grapple with changing neighborhoods.” Katherine uses interviews wi...
Investing in Tacoma Real Estate
Buying an investment property in Tacoma is different from buying a “normal” house that you’re planning on living in. In this video, Tacoma Real Estate Agent Marguerite Martin sits down with Anders, a real estate agent who specializes in working with investors. Anders was ...
What’s going on with Tacoma’s housing market in 2020?
MovetoTacoma.com creator Marguerite Martin recently sat down with her niece and fellow Tacoma agent Keryn to talk about what’s happening with the real estate market in Tacoma right now in 2020. While a lot of folks (including us!) have been publishing median home price st...
We Asked Tacomans What They Like & Dislike About Tacoma. Here’s What They Said
Recently we conducted a (non-scientific!) survey of Tacoma residents; we posted the survey on our Facebook and Twitter and anyone could respond. A couple of the questions we asked included: “What do you LIKE about Tacoma right now?” and “What do you DISLIKE about Tacoma r...
Would a Regional High Speed Rail System Be Good for Tacoma?
A recent article in CityLab caused a sensation across the PNW. Titled “The Case for Portland-to-Vancouver High-Speed Rail,” the article discusses the virtues of building a trans-national high-speed rail line that connects Vancouver B.C. and Portland, Oregon with a train tra...