Let’s face it, when you’re new to a city getting your finger on the pulse of what’s happening can be tricky. There’s local jargon, inside jokes, community conversation! How do you find it? Tacoma Twitter is a great way to do that, whether you’re still dreaming of moving to Tacoma and trying to get a feel for the city’s strengths and challenges or a longtime resident wanting a better idea of what’s up- Tacoma Twitter is an amazing resource. While creating a complete list of people to follow is impossible (@movetotacoma follows HUNDREDS of people on Twitter!) You have to get started somewhere- here are some recs!
Who to follow on Tacoma Twitter for: POLITICS
There are tons of politicians accounts on Twitter, but many of them don’t do much tweeting when they’re not trying to get re-elected (No shade- wait actually, yes. Some shade is deserved here). These are some accounts for local folks who are active in the community conversations happening on Twitter. We tend to lean SUPER progressive here at MovetoTacoma, but we threw in a couple conservative folks we follow to round things out! This should get you started:
Laurie Jinkins – Speaker of the House of Representatives
I’m new to the job but already have some ideas on how I want to approach it. https://t.co/vVRdaflllr
— Laurie Jinkins (@lauriejinkins2) August 16, 2019
Derek M Young – Pierce County Councilman
In 2005, after the federal government adopted savage cuts to an already weak behavioral health system, the state Legislature passed a bipartisan bill authorizing counties to adopt a 1/10th of 1% sales tax for behavioral health services. https://t.co/dhz76m6Mok
— Derek Young (@DerekMYoung) February 13, 2020
Pam Roach – Notorious Pierce County Councilwoman
The Pierce County Council voted to intervene in Seattle’s lawsuit to invalidate I-976, $30 car tabs. (I was the only State Senator from PC to vote in favor of the public’s position on Sound Transit.) Eyman can sure pack a room! May the voters prevail!! pic.twitter.com/1yFgraF92P
— Pam Roach (@pamroach1) December 11, 2019
Ryan Mello – Former Tacoma City Councilman now running for Pierce County Council
Cleaner air will save lives, limit illnesses, save money for consumers and create jobs. Way to go #Tacoma https://t.co/lkdiD26Crs
— Ryan Mello (@RyanMelloTacoma) December 18, 2019
T’wina Nobles – CEO of @tacurbanleague
It’s my birthday! ? I am so blessed to see another year. I am grateful for family + friends. I am focused on what’s best for me, my family, + my community. Cheers to the last birthday of this decade. ✨ Let’s Party, y’all!! #1214 ?: Tiffany Burke Photography pic.twitter.com/7xh5Js9tud
— T’wina Nobles (@HelloKittySmile) December 14, 2019
Pierce County Auditor
Save yourself unnecessary stress and vote early. You can mark and return your ballot as soon as you receive it in the mail. Don’t delay! Ensure you meet the deadline (March 10, 2020 at 8 p.m.).
Find a local drop box and return your ballots now: https://t.co/l33vhKGjWb pic.twitter.com/26ng0qPgED
— PierceCountyAuditor (@PierceCountyAud) February 28, 2020
Who to follow on Tacoma Twitter for: COMMUNITY CONVERSATION
Tacoma Untapped – New restaurants, new buildings, and inside scoop
The @CityofTacoma is looking to adjust the Multi-Family Tax Exemption to include 20% affordable housing for the 8-year exemption. This may appease the tax exemption critics but the fact is most of these projects aren’t being built and supply & demand is always going to win.
— Tacoma Untapped (@TacomaUntapped) December 11, 2019
Chris Karnes – Transportation advocate
The Planning Commission and Human Rights Commission have joined hands ? to create a Housing Equity Task Force.
We’ll be using Minneapolis, Portland as models for changes to zoning to support social equity and reduce displacement.
cc: @UrbanistOrg— Chris Karnes ??? (@TacomaTransit) December 19, 2019
Silong Chhun – Came to Tacoma as a refugee from Cambodia, now a leading local voice
Tacoma Baking Co. Grand opening today on Hilltop and the lines out the door which is great but where are the non-white folks hmmmm…?
— Silong (@thefakeSilong) January 4, 2020
RR Anderson – Local Political Cartoonist and owner of Tinkertopia
— T.V.’s Commander RR™ (@RR_Anderson) December 18, 2019
Kellie Richardson – Former Tacoma Poet Laureate 
Derek Young – Started Tacoma Runners
To be a runner in Tacoma is to be a runner in the rain.
— Derek Young (@DerekYoung) October 14, 2016
Bill Reilly – Longtime Pierce County Builder and Agent
“Conducting research to attempt to identify barriers to equal opportunity in home ownership in Washington state. “
Encouraged by this: Hm. ownership rates. Black Af. Am. 41%, Hispanic Am. 50%. White Cauc. 72%. More density in S.F. only zoning helps with affordability. https://t.co/E6GkiivYPq
— Bill (@WAlandusepolicy) December 20, 2019
Erik Hanberg – Tacoma writer, Founder of Channel253 Podcast Network, MetroParks Commissioner
I am back to doing about a book a year, like in high school and college. I fill it in on lunch breaks, weekends, early mornings, late nights, and on vacation. Even when I could carve out the time for more writing, I have never been able to go much faster.
— Erik Hanberg (@erikhanberg) November 1, 2019
Evelyn Lopez – Local lawyer who is deeply engaged with local civics
Crossing Division, Tacoma’s Talk Show! It’s 2020 in Tacoma, and we have some BIG issues to talk about! Join us.https://t.co/pTBHoxUy6j pic.twitter.com/2p2eWgmEtL
— Evelyn Fielding Lopez (@True_Tacoma) January 4, 2020
Nate Bowling – Former Tacoma High School Teacher, Nerdfarmer Podcast Host, currently teaching abroad
In 2016, I was one of four finalists for National Teacher of the Year. What has happened to each of us since then tells us a lot about what’s happening in our profession.
A (snow day) thread. pic.twitter.com/bdEqLf6tdt
— nate bowling (↙️↙️↙️) (@nate_bowling) February 4, 2019
Hope Teague Bowling – Former Tacoma High School Teacher, Interchangeable White Ladies Podcast Host, currently teaching abroad
Y’all I was published in the @ASCD magazine EdAdvantage! I wrote about one of my many passions—culturally responsive teaching. I welcome your thoughts and if this resonates with you, please share it with others.
https://t.co/jhKLPR9JHS— Hope Teague-Bowling ↙️↙️↙️ (@EspiOnFire) December 22, 2019
Melissa Mallot – ED of Citizens for a Healthy Bay
Tacoma City Council just voted unanimously to support the the @pscleanair most robust proposal for a Clean Fuel Standard rule. This is a step forward for clean air for those communities most at risk from dirty air in Tacoma. Thank you! @RyanMelloTacoma @aibsenhomes
— Melissa Malott (@mmalott) December 18, 2019
Sweet Pea Flaherty – Owner of King’s Books
that time when you’re dressed as King Ludwig II and someone thanks you for your service.
— sweet pea (@beverlyqueery) November 3, 2019
Michaela Eaves – Local artist, animal rescuer, and writer
Good job, @PierceSheriff and everyone involved. https://t.co/MvF0tY63g2
— Michaela Eaves (@michaelaeaves) December 19, 2019
Who to follow on Tacoma Twitter for: MEDIA
The News Tribune – Tacoma’s Newspaper
The project will be one of the larger piling removal projects the state has tackled in years. https://t.co/WyGa3obsy8
— Tacoma News Tribune (@thenewstribune) January 6, 2020
KNKX FM – Tacoma’s NPR Affiliate
Jail death investigations have no guarantee of independence, oversight or necessarily accountability. Our latest in-depth story on the situation in Northwest jails, from @AustinJenkinsN3. https://t.co/4Srx7xH3TE
— KNKX Public Radio (@knkxfm) January 3, 2020
Channel 253 – Tacoma podcasting network
We Art Tacoma talks with @TacomaArtsLive Executive Director David Fisher reviews the year in Tacoma arts, and chats about First Night on the new episode. Listen online wherever you subscribe to your podcasts. https://t.co/uEbLUxCIwd
— Channel 253 (@Channel_253) December 26, 2019
Craig Sailor – News Tribune Reporter
To write this story I spent some time imagining what it might have been like to see this monster flying over Tacoma. https://t.co/hOo13hYA6f
— Craig Sailor (@crsailor) January 6, 2020
Will James – KNKX Reporter
If you’ve ever walked past someone on the street who appears chronically homeless and wondered, “How does someone come back from that?”
Jayson Chambers is the answer
When @KariPlog asked me to pick a 2019 story to highlight, I picked his
— Will James (@OtherWillJames) December 30, 2019
Citizen Tacoma – A podcast about government and politics in Tacoma
.@CitizenTacoma covers mental health, speaking to @HopeSparksOrg president Joe LeRoy, Comprehensive Life Resources CEO Kim Zacher, and @thenewstribune columnist Matt Driscoll about the challenges and efforts underway for those in need of help. Listen here: https://t.co/hb1eMieH8t
— Channel 253 (@Channel_253) December 18, 2019
Sean Robinson – Journalist at large in Tacoma
Critics of the D establishment make lots of interesting and valid points, but they seem incapable of recognizing that moderate/centrist voters are a large group of real people, too — as real as the DT supporters in diners, as real as the Bernie backers at rallies.
— Sean Robinson (@seanrobinson1e4) March 2, 2020
Sue Kidd – Creator of DinePierceCounty.com and food journalist
HEY! You guys. BBQ Pete’s is returning to Pierce County with a brick-and-mortar. You don’t have to wait until the @WAStateFair to eat those ribs. Here’s when and where they’re opening – https://t.co/nzfW8OAKLN pic.twitter.com/0bdljhNMxh
— suekidd (@suekidd) January 6, 2020
Who to follow on Tacoma Twitter for: NONPROFITS
Tacoma Urban League – Social Equality
Thank you The Seattle Medium + photographer Abu Hassan. We are on a mission to ensure our community is counted in the #2020census. #makeblackcount #census2020 @Abu_Hassan7 @SeattleMedium pic.twitter.com/AbkC29RGIn
— Tacoma Urban League (@TacUrbanLeague) February 29, 2020
Northwest Immigrants Rights Project – Lawyers defending and advancing immigrant rights
“Last year, NWIRP provided direct legal services to a whopping 11,058 people in Washington while getting at least some basic legal knowledge into the hands of another 7,682.”https://t.co/R0675aopJ1
— Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (@NWIRP) February 26, 2020
Downtown on the Go – Transportation advocates and a resource about Downtown Tacoma
Our first event of 2020 is the January Friday Forum! Join us for a conversation around how Tacoma is adapting to adapt to the needs of our aging population. #DOTGForum https://t.co/F4FPc9QpV7 pic.twitter.com/zyDOwuSpYf
— Downtown On the Go (@DowntownOntheGo) January 3, 2020
Write 253 – Local literacy arts organization for Tacoma youth
Some pics from our press shop in residence at @HistoryMuseum. We’ve named the press: Line Break Press! Poetry broadsides and publication opps for #Tacoma teens coming soon! If you are a teen who wants to get involved, backchannel us. pic.twitter.com/cBXhQz9Lhm
— #LTABTacoma 3/11-21/20 (@Write253) October 28, 2019
Metropolitan Development Council – Homelessness, Healthcare, Education, and more
MDC is excited to be part of the effort to close the racial and economic disparities for future generations in Tacoma as a subgrantee of the Graduate Tacoma Community Learning Fund. https://t.co/IZXwkEhQK8
— MDC Hope (@MDC_Hope) January 2, 2020
Tacoma Community House – Immigrants and Refugees
Are you ready to become a U.S. Citizen? We can help! Come to one of our upcoming information sessions to get started https://t.co/L3691lJ3uR
— Tacoma Community House (@TCH1910) January 22, 2020
Graduate Tacoma – Working to improve Tacoma Public Schools
Most experts say the solution lies in providing more housing at affordable rates, as well as providing support to families who may be affected by trauma or addiction.https://t.co/2Y2ixBCDLw
— Graduate Tacoma! (@GraduateTacoma) February 5, 2020
Citizens for a Healthy Bay – Environmental Nonprofit focussed on Commencement Bay
Port of Tacoma proposed deepening the Blair Waterway for the world’s largest ships to more easily access the Port, which could harm salmon and orcas, and the people who depend on them. We need a full environmental review to truly understand these risks. https://t.co/sm22dQez4D
— CHB (@chb_tacoma) February 12, 2020
Associated Ministries – Uniting People of Faith in Tacoma
Ok, Ok, Ok, so truthfully we had planned to list a bunch more Tacoma Twitter folks on this list but we’ve been typing for over an hour and the fingers, THEY ARE TIRED. Our list of folks on Tacoma Twitter is by no means even close to complete- but it’s a great start. Great folks follow other great folks, so dive in and join the conversation! And don’t forget to follow MoveToTacoma!