Opening a Successful Restaurant in Tacoma with Chef Gordon Naccarato

hosted by
marguerite martin


Pacific Grill Dining room during the day

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Get Personal Guidance founder Marguerite has been a real estate agent in Tacoma since 2005. She knows Tacoma neighborhoods and she knows local real estate agents. She can connect you to agents who are experts in the neighborhood you're looking in, at no cost to you!

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Show Notes

[smart_podcast_player url="" show_name="Opening a Successful Restaurant in Tacoma with Chef Gordon Naccarato" color="#03abbd" social="true" social_twitter="true" social_facebook="true" social_gplus="true" social_email="true" ]Today we sat down with Chef Gordon Naccarato, a native Tacoma son who found fame in LA and Aspen and then returned to Tacoma to open several successful Tacoma restaurants with partners including Pacific Grill, Smoke + Cedar, and Shake Shake Shake. Gordon is food famous outside of Tacoma- in addition to being noted as one of the "10 best chefs" by Food & Wine Magazine for many years his restaurant, GORDON’S, in Aspen, Colorado, was considered the “Best Place to eat Between the Coasts.” (NY TIMES) [caption id="attachment_1179" align="alignright" width="300"]Gordon with Governor Jay Inslee at Smoke + Cedar Gordon with Governor Jay Inslee at Smoke + Cedar[/caption] Gordon tells us his story of how he went from being a law student to line cook and eventually being a chef to the stars.  Gordon shares his insights into the challenges of opening and running a restaurant today- and what it takes to make a restaurant successful in Tacoma and beyond. Show Notes: Pacific Grill - Gordon's first restaurant in Downtown Tacoma Smoke + Cedar - Gordon's newest restaurant at Allenmore Golf Course in Central Tacoma Shake Shake Shake - Gordon's brother's restaurant Gordon's Awards:

“TRAVEL HOLIDAY AWARD,” Great Chefs of Los Angeles
“Best Chefs of Los Angeles,” by City of Los Angeles Mayoral Proclamation
“Best Seafood Menu in the United States,” Seafood Leader Magazine
“Chef Stars 1987,” Rockefeller Center Tribute, New York City