How the heck does local government even work?
City Council, School Board, Pierce County Council, it can all be so confusing. Maybe we learned this in high school, but let’s face it- most of us have forgetten it all.
Join us for a night with Washington State Teacher of the Year Nate Bowling and Metro Parks Commissioner Erik Hanberg. They will be breaking down how local government works and how we can impact the decisions that are made in our communities. will be buying the snacks so come and buy a beer and learn about how things work in this town, and what you can do to have a voice in local government. RSVP on Facebook below:
One of the goals for this year is to help Tacomans feel more educated and empowered about how local government works (instead of confused, mad, or disempowered/hopeless…)
While our awesome instructors/facilitators will be Washington State Teacher of the Year Nathan Bowling and Metro Parks Tacoma Commissioner Erik Hanberg (both friends and popular guests on the podcast) this event has been put together by Esperanza T Bowling, Matt Martinez, and Lindsey Lee Stevens. It takes a village to get us together to drink beers and change the world.
If you’d like to study up before Civics Class, check out these recent episodes of the Move To Tacoma Podcast:
2016 Tacoma Year in Review with Erik Hanberg
Nate Bowling Podcast Takeover with Special Guest Dorian Waller
Air Quality, Potholes, and the Methanol Plant with Ryan Mello, Tacoma City Council Pos 8
Tacoma’s East Side Neighborhood and South End with Marty Campbell Podcast 007
Mayor Marilyn Strickland on Tacoma’s Next 10 Years